Dinner and a Movie. Twenty-six years ago.

Dinner and a Movie. Twenty-six years ago.

It’s funny.

This date, October 3 sneaks up on me every year.

Like another crease framing my eyes or a trip to the store to buy our youngest a larger pair of shoes.

How did that happen unnoticed again?

Today is the 26th anniversary of my first date with my husband.

In someways I treasure this day — in a quiet way — more than our wedding anniversary.

Sure wedding days are big deals but usually once the ceremony happens a couple’s already pretty committed — just without the church and paper.

What I find fascinating is that on October 3, 1986, I found someone who made me never want to date anyone else — as in ever.

A man who made me think I don’t see any reason I’d never want this person in my life.

A person who let me talk him into run 10 miles in the middle of the night and paying a good bit of money to do so.

Four days after that date, I left him a birthday card in his school box. Twenty six years later, four days from today, I’ll sign another card and seal it in an envelope for him to open at breakfast.

That boggles my mind a bit.

It must be a bit timing, physical attraction and in our case — a myriad of quirky stuff.

Yes, quirky — that we’ve never lost.

What about your first date with a significant other? Was it significant?

Linking up with Greta @gfunkied and Julie @Mamamash for another iPPP.


16 responses to “Dinner and a Movie. Twenty-six years ago.”

  1. john miles says:

    Love you — want to see a movie tonite?

  2. Jamie Miles says:

    I’m too pooped Johnny. Someone kept me up way too late this weekend. Luv u.

  3. I agree, it’s timing and physical attraction and quirky stuff for us too — and luck I think has a lot to do with it. How could I know at 22 that my husband would be the amazing husband let alone father he is? Who knows. I feel just so fortunate! Happy anniversary of your first date!

  4. How sweet! What does it mean that I cannot remember the date of our first date? I know it was to a Brave’s game – at least I think that was him. (jk.) I at least know the month of our first date. (Our 20th wedding anniversary is in two weeks.)

  5. Jamie Miles says:

    It’s funny Trish. Looking back on it, I think it was because I was such a pack rat — saving every concert ticket, game ticket — that when I found an old wallet a few years later, it clicked. That was the day of our first date. I probably would have remembered it was sometime around John’s birthday. I remember worrying that he would be freaked out if I left him a card — since we had just met.

  6. Katie E says:

    Happy first date anniversary! We also reminisce and celebrate a general anniversary around the Christmas holidays because that’s the time of year we officially started dating. Our actual anniversary can easily pass by without either of us noticing.

  7. Kerstin says:

    That is just awesome. I can’t believe you still have the movie ticket! If that isn’t love then I don’t know what is…
    My husband and I went to a movie on our first date as well. Must be an omen 😉
    Actually, I knew what was going on when I looked into his eyes…

  8. Ducky says:

    I love everything about this. Irishman and my first date will ALWAYS be the day the magic happened. It is super significant and was an amazing turning point in life.

    I think I will bookmark this post. I adore things like this and am a saver…I too have keepsakes from our first date. I knew it would be an important marker.

  9. Tara says:

    Awww – Crocodile Dundee! My hubs and I love that movie… or maybe it’s the second one? Either way – congrats on the big anniversary! Happy First Date-a-versary!

  10. Aw, I can’t believe you still have that ticket! What a treasure. You’re so cute (and quirky). I clearly remember our first date but not what DATE it was….and it was only four years ago.

  11. May says:

    Good for you! What a blessing to find your true life partner. Doesn’t seem to happen much any more.

  12. kaye says:

    I like it–way too much. Thanks so much for stopping by today.

  13. WOW! 26 years! Congratulations! And that is great that you kept the movie stub. Have you ever re-watched it on one of your anniversaries? I just had my 2nd wedding anniversary (yep, had the kids first) so I’ve got a long ways to go! Happy Anniversary!

  14. Maggie S. says:

    PUh. Yeah, There was a gigantic naked woman feeding her cats in the background. Because we’re classy like that.

  15. Ken Knowles says:

    Awesome, Jamie. Our 25th 1st date anniversary is coming up on October 9th.

  16. Jamie Miles says:

    Cool, Ken. Isn’t that funny we were so close in lifestage — that old disciple SS class.

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