Cinderella Wows the Primary School

Cinderella Wows the Primary School

“When I get married, I’m going to be sure my wife works,” my 9-year-old son at dinner last night.

“And not…”  Insert image of him air-texting.

Okay. Think I was just completely dissed by my second grader.

I do work. It’s just freelance writing can be feast or famine and pay about as well as a good weekend’s haul from a street corner lemonade stand.

And if I worked outside the home, who would take Cinderella on field trips?





Just a quick look out the windshield before Cindy was placed back in her pumpkin for the ride to school.

My son asked for a turtle a few Christmases ago. This was about the time our pet fish Oscar, the Oscar, met an unfortunate end.  I agreed to a turtle with one big stipulation. NO WATER. I was through cleaning slimy tank and changing icky water.

So a friend of a friend who was a vet — let me know of a healthy Russian Tortoise she had spied a pet store about a billion miles away.

That was that and before I knew it I was in love with her cute pokey turtle self.

And Mrs. Chapman’s reading class was equally charmed.

Some video action of her charming her sassy reptile self into their hearts.

What about you? Ever toted a animal to school?

11 responses to “Cinderella Wows the Primary School”

  1. Kristin says:

    A definitely yes on the No Water rule. I’ve wanted to have a beautiful, colorful fish tank – but I can’t stand the idea of cleaning out the smelly scum from the tank.

    Love the turtle though!

  2. Jamie Miles says:

    Kristin — We’ve had dogs, cats, fish, snakes and the tortoise has been so mellow. She is very easy. And quiet. No need to get out in the cold and walk her in the dark early morning.

  3. Ew to slimy water. Although my dog is much grosser than that sometimes. Maybe I shoulda gotten a tortoise!

  4. Gina says:

    I don’t know anyone who has a pet tortoise. So fun to bring her/him (is is really a girl?) to school. I can see what a hit it was!!!! I’m with you on the slimy water thing.

  5. Bee says:

    My brother had a turtle who went to my sister who has had him for years but no longer wants him because of the slimy water thing. I’d take him except for…yeah, the slimy water thing.

    I know that turtles live a long time, but honestly, I can’t believe Kurt is still around. He actually used to get jealous of my sister’s cat, who is no longer among us, and would flip himself onto his back to get attention!

  6. Jamie Miles says:

    Yes Bee. Cinderella is supposedly a little over 10 years. If she lives as she’s supposed to she’ll out live me.

  7. Chrystal says:

    Nope, never carted an animal to school. But, only ever had cats and dogs. I find turtles fascinating.

  8. Is it wrong that I’m a bit jealous of the tortoise? I’d like someone to take me places to be admired, too.

  9. Oh Cindy is so sweet! I have always been fascinated by tortoises but have never owned one. My dear friend has one who she named Norman. Stormin’ Norman to be exact. Haha. He’s a real card.

    I have never taken an animal to a school, but we are working on getting our Italian Mastiff his CGC (canine good citizen) certificate. Then I will probably start doing therapy work with him.
    Animals are so special and have such an effect on kids! We’ve seen that for ourselves with our sons and dog, and you have obviously seen it too.

  10. Jamie Miles says:

    Dawn. There is a mastiff companion dog that comes to our church. I love watching him (or her?). Seems like such a gentle giant.

  11. I love Cinderella! How fun.

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