Childhood is awesome seen through a few decades perspective.

Childhood is awesome seen through a few decades perspective.

“Youth is wasted on the young.”

George Bernard Shaw wrote that.

I bet he wasn’t young when he wrote it.

Only us older folks get it.

It’s Monday and that means I’m linking up again @northwestmommy and her blog The Good Life. Stasha’s prompt his week…”List of ten reasons why being a child is great. Or why it is not.”

Why is it that we only think being a child is great when we are adults?

Or is it just me?


Why being a Child is not great (from a Child’s POV).

10.  School.

9.    You can’t drive and have to be chauffeured everywhere.

8.    You have to spend afternoons learning things like French, tennis, lines for plays, piano. All sorts of dreary stuff.

7     Someone prying GAME-THINGS out of your hand and forcing you to go ride a bike.

6.     At least twenty minutes of  mandatory reading a day.

5.     Cleaning your room.

4.     Someone trying really hard to get you to eat healthy things. (Even when she fails.)

3.     Being made to go take the dog for a walk.

2.     Given the option of taking a long, hot bath EVERY NIGHT.

1.     Someone making you go to bed.


Why us Adults think youth is wasted on the young.


10.  School.

How cool to go for hours and learn stuff every day.

9.   You can’t drive and have to be chauffeured everywhere.

I have to go into Atlanta today. Help.

8.  You have to spend your afternoons learning things like French, tennis, lines for plays, piano. All sorts of dreary stuff.

I will most probably never learn to speak French, play piano or have a regular private art lesson. There is faint glimmer that I may one day pick up a tennis racket lying in a dusty jacket again.

7.     Someone prying GAME-THINGS out of your hand and forcing you to go ride a bike.

Took the most awesome 25 mile bike ride yesterday. My child could ride 25 miles (never straying a few blocks from the house) and I’d be so happy.

6.    At least twenty minutes of  mandatory reading a day.

I read 10 minutes last night before I couldn’t keep eyes open any longer. Have tried toothpicks. Doesn’t work.

5.   Cleaning your room.

Cleaning a 12 x 12 foot space verses 3,000 and bathrooms….Okay I don’t do that either but I have to carry the guilt of that all week long.

4.    Someone trying really hard to get you to get healthy things. (Even when she fails.)

Someone tries to cleverly cook veggies. And is forever looking for new ways to make a skinless chicken breast tasty.

3.   Being made to go take the dog for a walk.

Forced to take nice quiet 15 minute interlude in the fresh air. Heaven.

2.   Given the option of taking a long, hot bath over 5 minute rush of a shower EVERY NIGHT.

Ditto. Heaven.

1.    Someone making you go to bed.

Spending a few nights at my parents’ house last week, I put myself to bed very early. They didn’t even have to threaten violence.


What about you….Anything wasted on your youth?










8 responses to “Childhood is awesome seen through a few decades perspective.”

  1. gaylene says:

    This has so much truth in it! It’s funny how we appreciate youth once we have lost it…

  2. Lisa says:

    Ha, loved this! The 15 min walk in solitude. Where do I sign?!

  3. Eve says:

    What an awesome list! I would SO love to be chauffeured everywhere, go to culinary school full-time, AND take long hot baths. Ahhh to be a kid again…

  4. Ally says:

    I couldn’t agree more about how much I would love to go sit and learn every day! And to last through 20 minutes of reading without falling asleep? That would be heaven!

  5. RoryBore says:

    I love that you did both perspectives! I should have gone to bed early at my parent’s last week…but my mom and I stay up too late and gab.
    still, that’s something when you are not interrupted every 2 minutes!

  6. Anna says:

    I always think about some of the things my son complains about and how I’d LOVE to have those things done for me ( bath time, early bed time with stories, hugs, etc., all meals prepared for him ) so….I loved your list! haha – you captured all the good stuff and more.

  7. ava says:

    I’ve wasted a lot on sleep. 🙂 I’d kill for some sleep time/nap time nowadays.. Great list Jamie.

  8. Audrey says:

    Ah to be a kid again! Can I please have 15 minutes alone to go walk the dog outside?

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