Challenges. We rise to them or take a nap.

Challenges. We rise to them or take a nap.

What is it about a challenge that makes us rise up and persevere? Completing tasks we might otherwise let go . . .

First, that d@mnable abs/arm challenge with my husband. I just looked at the refrigerator — as I might or might not be getting me a glass of wine and I spied that scorecard calendar.

My husband had done his today. UGH.

So even though I wouldn’t have stopped and done 30 pushups and 30 situps for the best fried grouper sandwich in Madison, I did it. Because I don’t want him the satisfaction of beating me at the end of the month.

Same way about this post.

If not for NaBloPoMo and this being my 23rd consecutive day, I’d be enjoying a glass of wine right now vegetating in front of the television right now.

Instead of having my wine — while I type this post.

Not that doing 30 situps and pushups or a blog post is a bad thing — I just wouldn’t have done them except for the challenge.

So what, you say?

Well, I can’t argue with you on that.

Why am I so darn arguable this evening. Well, I’ve over-extended myself.

I went into Atlanta. In the rain. On the way, I listened to the Falcons.



Which was a colossal waste of time.

No. Not really. It did help pass the time and I was out of the car when they collapsed.

Not that I was surprised.

I went in the pouring rain to pick up my son’s and my number for this Thursday’s Atlanta Thanksgiving Half. I did this race the first time when this son was two years. He is 21 now.

Lots of Atlanta and lots of rain.




Have to say, excellent shirt from the Track Club this year.

Well, done.




Then I just happened to go to the mall on the way out of town.

After that I got back on the interstate.

The Falcons had lost and it started pouring again.

I got off interstate again to buy my daughter a space heater about 20 minutes from home.

When I headed back toward Madison again I thought it really looks bad.

Like blowing trees and blowing leaves and weird darkness.




First of all. This pic in no way represents the danger I was in.

Not because I took this while driving, but because there was a tornado warning.

And I wanted to take a pic to show my loved ones what I went through before my car was thrown off the road.

Which didn’t happen I am happy to say.

It’s funny.

Things like the weather can change really quickly.

Other things like wrinkles and springing maddening gray hairs take a lifetime.

They only seem to happen while you took a long nap.





4 responses to “Challenges. We rise to them or take a nap.”

  1. Vanessa D. says:

    First I’ve got to say I’ve never challenged myself to run a marathon.

    I have a tendency to procrastinate, put things off as long as I can until all the things overwhelm me – then instead of rising to meet them I go take a nap.

    I flopped out of NaBloPoMo in a big way – seeing as I signed up under a completely different blog – but I can’t regret it because it was the initial challenge of trying to blog every day that triggered the idea for this blog, so I started Heels And A Toolbox and now I feel like I’ve finally found my on-line identity.

    I’m sure those gray hairs and wrinkles creep up while we’re napping or something because they’re just so sudden.

  2. Mary says:

    “If not for NaBloPoMo and this being my 23rd consecutive day, I’d be enjoying a glass of wine right now vegetating in front of the television right now.”

    Do not, I repeat do NOT, let day 24 get in the way of your wine and TV. Though I must admit, I let day 23 get in the way of mine, too.

  3. Jamie Miles says:

    Well, all is better now Mary. I hope this same goes with you too. Day 23. Cheers.

  4. Jamie Miles says:

    I think “Heels and a Toolbox” is an amazing identity. And it works because you are the real deal. I am going to try and fix that handle — but things have been so crazy now. You really have something to offer with your blog. Helping women like me.

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