Being decisive. I meant it. This time. For reals.

Being decisive. I meant it. This time. For reals.

I missed the official start of summer by a day or so, but just read a post my the wonderful Lisa at Sweet InLow’s  where she blogs about The Summer of . . .

Got me to thinking.

What would my word of summer be?

Linking up with Jana for a little stream of consciousness writing.

Five minutes, unedited. A prompt-free week.


The Summer of . . .


Went to Sunday School today and was talking with the women gathered there.

We are going through the book Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World.

Forgive me but not taking my 5 minutes to explain the premise — but the gist is — don’t spend your life worrying and making everything perfect. Sit and reflect on the truth of the gospel.

I talked in circles today about how I think in circles. How I always have. How in grade school I wrote the one thing I would change about myself is   . . .

that I think too much.

Well, here I sit decades later and I still think too much.

I’m going to be decisive starting — well, I started a few hours ago after I left church. I’m going to make decisions and not stew for hours on if they were the right ones or not.

Whatever comes from them, I’ll work with.

I’m done worrying.



We’ll see how I feel this time next week.

What about you? Are you decisive or not really? Not ever?

Or maybe sort of?

Come join us.

8 responses to “Being decisive. I meant it. This time. For reals.”

  1. Caro says:

    Stumbled on over here from Jana’s blog. I met her through The Band. I’m looking forward to find out why you are a turtle wrangler.

  2. Jamie Miles says:

    I bought a Russian Tortoise for my youngest — and discovered a kindred soul.

  3. Lisa says:

    A shout-out on your blog — I am not worthy!! 😉

    The flip side of a slow decision maker? Me, a quick-not-much-thinking decision maker. Result? A few regrets.

    See, it’s always something!

    P.S. My husband is sloooow to make decisions. I often say he has paralysis by analysis.

  4. What a great goal for the summer. I’m just like you. I stew…I think it over…I re-think it over…etc, etc, etc. I’m a worrier and if I haven’t worried both sides of the situation, I feel uncomfortable. The truth is, my first instinct is usually what I go with anyway. I might have to try this!! –Lisa

  5. Jamie Miles says:

    Lisa — you are so more than worthy, silly. And I am a mix of you and your husband. In my mind I make a decision, then I act and fret about was it the right decision. Or I make it — then fret about it in my mind and waste a bunch of time before I act. I just want to make decisions, act and deal with results. Not fret “was this the right call?” ugh. Makes me crazy.

  6. Jamie Miles says:

    I agree Lisa. My first instinct is usually what I go with. Why waste so much time stewing?

  7. Andrea says:

    I like your goal, definitely. I think a word for the summer is a cool idea. I never picked one for the year, so I like the seasonal concept! 🙂

  8. tiffani says:

    I hope this works out for you but it seems like a really difficult quality to change. I love the idea of not worrying about your decisions, how freeing. xoxo

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