A Top Ten “Rah” for Me.

A Top Ten “Rah” for Me.

Praise. And Stasha’s Monday Listicles.

I mentioned how I don’t do praise well in a recent post — so in an endeavor to stretch out of my tiny rubber room comfort zone I chose:


B. THINGS WE WOULD DO IN 48 HOURS WITH UNLIMITED MONEY AND NO RESPONSIBILITIES.  (That would be way to revealing and send me scurrying back to the rubber room for sure.)

*   *   *

So with a deep breath, here’s a stream-of-consciousness list of things I do well.


10.  Write in stream-of-consciousness.

Thank God for this blog for it releases the pressure behind whatever dike holds back all the billions of seemingly unrelated, related thoughts that bounce around in my head.


9.  Have fun with my children.

Maybe because I’m still a big kid, but I love to just go play. Whether hiking the beautiful trails at the Botanical Gardens, ooohing and ahhhing at giant sleeping pythons at the reptile house, ride crazy roller coasters (preferably after a beer first because I am a huge chicken) or driving seven hours to spend one day at an awesome water park,

I love playing with my kids.

7.  Tan.

Horrible curse in life to be good at something so bad for you. But I love sitting in a chair at the ocean’s edge doing anything or nothing at all. (With proper hat and SPF.)


6. See the talents of others.

I have always had a sixth sense about people and part of this gift is recognizing their talents. I hope I do all that I can to encourage those that I see…but some days I get too trapped in my thoughts to do the best at this one.


5.  Write good notes.

This has really suffered with the digital age but I always tried to write a sincere note once again tapping into my people sixth sense.  I need to sit, be quiet and write notes again.


4.  Interrupting.

My husband — where ever he is at the moment — is nodding his head vigorously. Over the last five years, I have tried to be aware of this and shut-the-heck-up when someone else is talking.


3.  Creative things.

Not like being creative with quantum physics or unlocking the genetic code of shark’s to find a cure for cancer, but your standing doodling, painting, photography, sewing, experimenting with new concoction of trail mix creative.

If you like undisciplined creativity, I’m your gal. That’s probably why our walls are covered with framed children’s art and primitive creations I’ve collected along the way.


2.  Gardening.

I’d so much rather be outdoors than in (and my housekeeping suffers).

My love of flowers has taken a big back seat to my vegetable garden the last few years but I love watching things grow and being a part of that experience.


1.  Love.

I’m a quiet, introverted lover of all things.

People, places…the lovely birds I watch as I type this…the silly turtle that I’ve just laid in her outdoor pen.

Maybe that’s why once I started writing and began getting approval, I can’t stop.

When you care deeply for things and are more the introvert — writing is the perfect way to let all that love pour out.


That’s it. Gooo Jamie!

What are some things you do so very well?


I know there’s a bunch.

18 responses to “A Top Ten “Rah” for Me.”

  1. Ally says:

    I have to watch myself so I don’t interrupt, too. Especially once I’ve had that beer and get rather talkative 🙂

    Ah, to sit at the ocean’s edge and do nothing. Well, actually, I can really only do that at sunrise and sunset, which I love. The rest of the day I have a hard time just sitting in the sun. But I love to play in the water and can walk for hours on a beach.

  2. Lisa says:

    I love taking care of my family, resulting in my doing it well.

  3. You’re good at lots of important things! I can especially relate to your number one. 😉

  4. Cyn & Co. says:

    Great list! I especially love that you’re good at interrupting, because I am too! I definitely missed that on my list, lol. Hubby’s always saying, ‘let me finish’ when he’s telling a story because I’m always ready to interject with something, related or nonrelated. (My mind’s just always going)

    I love writing notes too, for my husband and kids especially. Maybe I’ll branch out into writing them for others too. No one writes anymore!

    Visiting from NorthWestMommy’s

  5. Terri Sonoda says:

    Fabulous list! I love your 1,3 and 5. The art of writing a nice note with a real pen and pretty stationery is all but lost of most people I know. However, whenever I do receive such a note, it makes my whole day. A few kind words. So easy to do. And so special to receive.

    And being creative? Nothing like it. It’s that extra spice added to one’s life. Doesn’t matter whether you’re good at it. I sketch and I am Not good at it. But it makes me feel good. That’s what it’s all about!

  6. Jamie Miles says:

    Terri, I once read a great list of all the famous people who were know for their letter writing. I thought — I always want to do that. Alas, I need to find that pen.

  7. Jamie Miles says:

    Good for us Cyn — the interrupters. I’ll try to be better if you do.

  8. Jamie Miles says:

    That’s so true Lisa, anything you love — we usually do well.

  9. Jamie Miles says:

    I love to sit at the water’s edge with the sun going down, Ally. it is beautiful.

  10. RoryBore says:

    I could quite happily spend an entire day in my garden too.
    I would love to have an actual pen pal again…..what a lost art form it is.

  11. Jamie Miles says:

    That is the frustrating part about my garden Rory. It does take so much time to keep it look nice. Turn your back and the weeds take over. But two hours sweating in the dirt is my kind of “cleaning.”

  12. Yoli says:

    That picture is hilarious! LOL I am trying to garden this year. We only have a little patch in the front. It looks so sad 🙁

  13. Stacey says:

    I wish I was good at tanning. I’m about as white as they come. Well, unless you see my hubby. If it’s possible, he’s even whiter than me. And being good at having fun with your kiddos is just awesome! Great list!

  14. Interrupting!! I used to be SO bad at that. My husband would actually put his hand on my knee under the table to let me know I was doing it! Now, I’m more aware.

    I think part of it is just being a girl. Seriously, when my girlfriends and I get together, all we DO is talk over eachother!

  15. A very impressive list – and also – i like you even more 😉

  16. Maryden25 says:

    Thanks for this post Janine! You are right.. Love should always be on top of it all. I always been interrupting my husband too! And I love to do it always.. Lol! Buy tanning is not on my list.

  17. Audrey says:

    Ah great list! I love the whole thing, but especially about having fun with your kids. Think of all the memories they will have

  18. I am working hard on my interrupting issues…sometimes I even interrupt myself…great post:) http://wp.me/p2gpEb-9o

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