A Sparkling Party. Musing on friendships — again.

A Sparkling Party. Musing on friendships — again.


It doesn’t know distance or time.

Back in August when school started, I started running (literally) with a younger crowd.

Having children in the high school, elementary school and primary school, I have a wonderful group of friends.

But this running group introduced me to an even younger group. Women with babies and preschoolers.

Just writing “preschooler” exhausts me.

Last night a bunch of these women, I didn’t know four months ago got together for a dinner and cheapo-sparkly jewelry swap.

We all brought a piece of jewelry and then proceeded to swap the boxes around. Then we did the old pick-a-number-and-steal-a-gift-if-you-want-to game.

Since I only play these things once a year, I forget how it goes. I drew number 20 which was the best I could do – other than number one.

Jill was number one and this was the coveted bracelet she traded last minute for.


My prize. (Just to be clear it was the ring on the right. The one on the left was my grandmother's.)


We had a great night.

Even if you lived in the same spot for over a decade, there are tons of nice folks to get to know. And I’ve grown quite fond of these younger women Tebow and I run with each morning.

Yep — even after partying hard last night — we showed up in the parking lot for a run this morning.

Okay.  We didn’t party hard.

What does mean anymore? If  I knew I’d probably be terrified.

It was cold this morning….and we still showed.

The younger gals, Tebow and I. And that made me happy.

Do you have friends of all different ages? Real friends — not just acquaintances.

(Not that intergenerational acquaintances are to be discouraged.)

7 responses to “A Sparkling Party. Musing on friendships — again.”

  1. I love my intergenerational friends, Jamie! Each one brings a different and unique perspective to our relationships.

    Jewelry swap… I like that idea. 🙂


  2. Julie says:

    I saw you at Pacho’s the other night…and I said to Steve and Annie “Look, Jamie is in there with all the young girls partying”….have to admit I was a tad jealous! HA! I love my younger gals who work with me at the spa! They keep me on my toes and always have fresh thoughts and wisdom! At times, they make me appreciate where I am in life…sort of that “been there and done that..and I am glad I am mid-forties and not mid-twenties” feeling. It keeps us balanced wouldn’t you say?

  3. Jamie Miles says:

    I totally agree. Where my head is now is in such a more comfortable place. It’s a balancing act. Using what we’ve learned over the years along with not getting to comfortable or never wanting to try new things or new ideas. But one thing is for sure, young, midlife or older age — there’s nothing like being with a group of women. Deep down, we are all little girls at heart.

  4. Jamie Miles says:

    It was really fun Daphne. There was a 10 dollar limit — and the bracelet everyone loved was from Wal*Mart. I need to look through there next time..

  5. Jill says:

    you always make me SMILE and have tears…both at the same time. we all want to be just like you, Jamie.

    it’s so true. 🙂

    don’t even remember what it was like before you were running with us…definitely not as fun. 😉

    here’s to sparkle and shine!

  6. Jamie Miles says:

    That is not fair Jill. I thought is was going to be a perfect nice comment, then I read it and end up in tears. You should warn people before you do that to them. Love ya’ll back….And so does Tebow.

  7. katie says:

    you’re so sweet.

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