A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes


I must have them.

I just don’t remember them. At all.

Linking up with Finish the Sentence Friday: My best dream ever was . . .


Selfie of me passed out. No silly. This is supposed to be me asleep. ZZZZ. Dreaming nothing.

Selfie of me passed out. No silly. This is supposed to be me asleep. ZZZZ. Dreaming nothing.



I’m stumped.

Plane crashes. Teeth falling out. Being swept away by tidal waves. Accidentally killing some one when I was digging a large hole at the beach only to turn around and see two feet sticking out of the pile of discarded sand that accumulated behind me. I thought how am I going to get out of this one.

There have also been dreams that have been just plain interesting, darn it.

Tunneling deeper and deeper in some old house. Another where I was on raft adrift on an endless calm sea sensing an enormous sea creature right underneath.

Those interesting ones I usually look up on Dream moods. Along the ones where people die and planes crash.

Just to remind myself that most of what is played in our mind while sleeping is not a foreshadowing but a working out of the subconscious.

Back to the task at hand.

My best dream ever?

I could make something up. Like I went to heaven. Or spent the entire day on a tropical island. Or won the Museum of Aviation Foundation Marathon in picturesque Warner Robbins, Georgia.

No. Can’t do that to you. Because I am above all a blogger with the purest standards of journalistic integrity. Most days, anyway.

Maybe my best dream is yet to come?

How about you?




Janine's Confessions of A Mommyaholic


8 responses to “A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes”

  1. Just had the airplane dream two nights ago …. aaahhhhhhh! My delightfully horrid dreams are usually of the “surprise exam that I hadn’t studied for” variety.
    Love your selfie …

  2. Jamie Miles says:

    Oh gosh. I forgot those. Yes. I’ve had plenty of them. Running around trying to find the classroom for the final and I had completely forgotten I had the class on my schedule. Good times.

  3. I love that your best dream is yet to come. My grandmother was a firm believer in that all dreams meant something. She told me when she was younger about a dream she had about having tons of wet towels more then she could even clean. Her grandmother told her that it meant tears and the next day someone close int heir family died and tears of sadness did occur. So, you just never know. But stay tuned and hope you have the best dream ever soon!! And thanks again for linking up 🙂

  4. Yes, I think your best dream IS yet to come. I love that. Also, I’ve had the bad airplane dreams but also once, an amazing one. I was flying it, and there were these huge huge waves in an ocean that we were flying over, going up and down with them like we were riding them. It sounds horrible now that I’m typing it out but it was wonderful and freeing – I remember laughing in it.

  5. Dana says:

    I’d like to think that my best dream is yet to come. I can’t hold onto good dreams when I wake up, yet the bad ones seem to linger for the day. If my husband behaves badly in my dream, I have trouble shaking my annoyance at him in real life. Poor guy – he has no idea why I’m ticked off!

  6. Whenever I dream about someone dying, a new beginning happens in my life. It may not be pretty, but it definitely signals a change.

  7. Ah, I love that. Best dream is yet to come. My best dream was a flying one, when I actually “woke up in the dream” and knew that I was dreaming. Wish I could relive that one. 🙂

  8. May says:

    Oh, I have those awful premonition dreams. Not often, thankfully. About four times in my life I guess. I think it is God preparing me for a shock. It can lessen a blow, but also is a bit freaky.

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