
The Candy Haul. At least I could count on that.

This was supposed to be a post about my new kitchen cabinets.

We are well into week 14 of our eight week renovation.


Took this a little bit ago.

No can’t post today about cabinets.

So I’ll link up with the gals at Finish the Sentence Friday.

One Halloween, I  . . .

Gosh. I really didn’t want to get introspective again after the last waiting room post.

If only the prompt were about Christmas. Fairy lights and crumpled wrapping paper.

Or Groundhog’s Day. Buck teeth and mounds of freshly turned earth.

I have issues with Halloween.

It celebrates evil. It is dark and creepy and certainly not a bastion of good dental health.

No silly. I like all that, except evil. Not really into that.

I love carving pumpkins into crooked men with crooked smiles. I love seeing the kids come by for candy.

My issue with Halloween is that as a child, it always fell short.

Like tumbling down the groundhog hole a mile shy of expectations.

Dreaming for weeks of the perfect costume. I was to be Cinderella. A Native American Princess. A vampire.

On second thought, the vampire look really worked. At least it worked for me that night in college.

A vampire. So ahead of my time. But back to Halloween shortfalls.

No matter how much planning. No matter how much dreaming.

The costume never worked.

It was just me in a light blue 1950s South Georgia bridesmaid’s dress I found rummaging through my mom’s storage closet. Not Cinderella.

Once a year, we would head out. Into the sauna that is Central Florida in late October.

This is gonna be soooo great.

It really wasn’t great. It was just me and my dad and my sister. No gang of reckless youths dashing here and there with wild Brady Bunch Alice-will-make-it-all-better in 30 minutes perfection.

It was stinking hot.

So sweaty, we would pull our masks off.

“Trick or Treat,” I’d say. A bit half-hearted because maybe the lady at the door was one of those purist who insisted that you say “trick or treat” before doling out the goods.

Holding out that orange bulb of a pumpkin.

Full of candy.

At least the candy was always good.

Yeah. At least the candy haul seemed to meet expectations.

What about you? Great Halloween memories or no?


Janine's Confessions of A Mommyaholic





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