
She’s still preoccupied.

With 19, 19 — 1985.

Am I still living in 1985?

Stasha and Monday’s Listicle is taking a cue from Anja @ Cocalores and begging the question:  10 Clues you are living in 2012.

If I can do this,  it will prove I am not stuck in 1985.


10.  Shhh. Don’t tell anyone, but I think —  I prefer e-readers over books with paper.

Who am I kidding? I LOVE the ability to read on my iPad and iPhone. Never thought I would say that but I do.



9.   I bought a pair of toed-shoes to run in.




Goofy I know. But my extra-tight glutes and hamstrings love them.



8.  My television gets one billion channels

But I still only watch about three of them.


7.   I start to hyperventilate when my laptop goes missing.


6.  The idea of hosting a dinner party with the requisite planning and cooking the meal terrifies me.


 5.  I’ve considered having botulism injected into my forehead.


4.  Weeks go by and I realize I haven’t checked the home phone.

“You have 275 messages.”


3. I know more of the lives of women living in Washington, New York City, Ohio, Chicago, California and a cattle ranch on the Oklahoma prairie than the family that lives directly behind us.


2.  I communicate with my other neighbors through their blogs and Twitter. Much more than seeing them face to face.

That thought saddens me — but other than the occasional wave in the car and taking out the recyclables. — it’s true.



1. And with a tween daughter in the car — the radio never gets a chance to rest on the 80s station.

I know that this week’s number one Top 40 song (according to Ryan Seacrest) is Lights. So there.


How do you know your living in 2012?



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