
Low-grade January Mojo.

Mid-January never has found me at my best — either attitude, appearance or aptitude. I swear my brain neurons are like molasses in January. They ssssllllooowwww way down.

Frankly I’m tiring of being a pokey puppy with a low-grade mojo.

Mama Kat’s Writing Workshop prompts this week:

1.) Explore. (inspired by Farewell Stranger)
2.) Release. (inspired by Courtney Kirkland)
3.) Trust. (inspired by Queen of Chaos)
4.) Acceptance. (inspired by Headstrong Damsel)
5.) Creativity. (inspired by Crossroads of the Heart)


Pick one. Hell, looking them over, I need all five.


Explore.  This is the one I’d most like to experience right now but the only expedition I feel like setting out is to . . . okay. Nowhere.

I’m still sitting in a damp, cold sweat shirt from walking the dog an hour earlier.

Granted I had to proof and send in a story. Got involved in a few online conversations but I need to get myself up and change my hoodie. For the love of Mike, I hate damp clothes.

Creativity.  HA.

Trust.  This is usually easy for me but rainy, damp January days sap the trust out of me. My pets are even attacking me. (Well, a certain bad mood cat. My dog still loves me.) So there. I still trust my dog. I can hang on to that.

Acceptance. Lack of exercise mojo has also hit. I am fighting through this. After accepting my winter body composition and pallor, I have pulled on a swimsuit a few days in a row. I might make it to the pool today.

Release. As to vent. After this little exercise, I think this may be what I needed. Releasing myself from expectations that I will have my usual excitement for life in mid-January.

Or the usual skin tone or muscle tone for that matter.

I need to regroup and start on another writing project for which I am thankful.


Okay more like <$.

And I’m releasing myself from this  flippin’ sweatshirt  right now.

What about you?

What have you released yourself from lately?









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