Musing on Change. Step two…believe.

Musing on Change. Step two…believe.


 Home Sweet Home.

I’ve always been a dreamer. But there’s a difference in being a dreamer and having a dream.

A big difference.

Lots of people have dreams of finding someone to love for a lifetime,

children (who are very dear at least a quarter of the time),

a passion,

a passion that can become financial gain,

healthy weight,

to run a 10K, run a marathon,

keep a fish alive an entire year.

But to shift from dreamer to one whose see their dreams come true you have to

Believe in yourself and your dream.


My son.

 He had a dream of birdhouses. He’s been mad about them lately.

He’s asked me continuously to put some of his creations up outside.

That would entail finding a nail and hammer and hammering them into some type of sturdy wood.

He finally got tired of waiting on me and placed them on the playset.

Like birds were going to show up.

More like when birds fly out of my rear.

Then this morning getting ready for school he points out the window,

Look birds.”

I looked to the feeder and then


There were three but I couldn’t get my camera fast enough.

Be intentional in your actions. And




3 responses to “Musing on Change. Step two…believe.”

  1. […] we have to intentionally search for and discover our dream. Believe in ourselves and our goal. And then discipline our actions in all […]

  2. kate says:

    that’s the sweetest blog post! i’m so glad birds are hanging out in his cute little houses!

  3. Jamie Miles says:

    Yes, although the weather brought them tumbling down. Undeterred he propped them back up on the set. When the weather improves I’m going to figure out how to mount them on something.

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