
Underestimating everything.

Hello — is anybody out there?

I’m afraid this whole remodeling and end of summer break has hit me up side the head like a 2 x 4. I’ve been late on work, almost late getting the kids to school today and late in realizing how long it’s been since I’ve blogged. About the only thing I haven’t been late with recently is my monthly. Thank goodness I don’t have to worry about that appearing at the most inopportune times any more. Can all God’s children say Amen?

Linking up with Finish the Sentence Friday this week.

I have a bad habit of  underestimating how long things will take.

Which usually leaves me frustrated and feeling behind more days.


I hate feeling like that. I’ve got to get better about realistically evaluating my time.

Take this morning. It was 7 o’clock before I tried to roust the children. You’d think 45 minutes would be enough time to get them out of bed and ready for school. Especially now that we are all living in 700 square feet while our house is undergoing renovation. How long does it take to walk to the shower? What ten steps to the kitchen to heat up a muffin?

Well. A heck of a lot longer than 45 minutes.

Why do I think my children are going to pop out up when I ask them to. It took almost 15 minutes to get my youngest standing vertical and stumbling to the shower like an extra on The Walking Dead.

My daughter got up a little sooner — but why oh why did I think she could straighten her hair and make up her pristine 12-year-old complexion in 30 minutes.

Silly, silly me.

I think we got to the middle school on time. Barely. And we made it to the elementary school with ten minutes to spare.

But it wasn’t the nice leisurely drive we had yesterday for the first day of school.

Oops this blog post has already taken more time than I had thought.

Better rap it up and get on to the next task —  I have completely underestimated the time needed to straighten 700 square feet.

What do you have a bad habit of?


I was supposed to be done with this when both hands were straight up. Pooh.


Finish the Sentence Friday






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