
Today’s treasure ~ maintaining balance.

Sally liked to give at church. Though there always was that awkward moment of how to deal with the offering plate.


Maintaining balance. 

When I first read that title this is the image that sprung to mind. 

Though I'm usually staring at the other side of my teetering image.


Yoga. Holding poses. Getting in touch with our center. 

If one  concentrates and relaxes at same time — the body if strong —  balances. 

I’m not usually that relaxed. I’m thinking about lots of stuff — money, projects that I’m late starting, and how if I don’t wrap this up in five minutes I’ll be late getting to the pool. 

Sometimes we have to intentionally concentrate to be in spiritual balance. 

Giving ~ determined giving to the church is one of those areas. 

It’s part of holding the pose. Working to discipline the body. It just doesn’t happen without determined action. 

Same for a disciplined, balanced spirit. 

How do I feel when the offering plate is passed at church? Do I dread it, or look forward to being able to give expectantly?

I once was a very expectant giver. Of course, I never really took into account what I was spending the rest of the week. I gave lots on Sunday, spent lots during the week and charged stuff.  

Part of growing up is to give lots (with joy) and spend with discipline. I want to enjoy giving again. The right way.



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