
The Waiting Room again. And again.

I sit in a waiting room.

Four walls, me and my laptop.

It’s quiet. I remembered a post I had written on this subject a year or so ago.

Waiting Room Lamentation.

I pulled it up and reread it — questioning — has anything changed in 18 months?

I ended that earlier post with this:

No more waiting rooms for me.

Well, except this one…because it really is a waiting room and not a metaphor for a woman treading water in a mid-life cliche.

How about you?

* * *

A light perky question.  To suggest motivation for myself. And others.

So no more waiting rooms for me. Hmm.  Has that been true since April 2012?

I certainly don’t feel I’m waiting in the sense of sitting still.

No. That’s not right either.

So much of life washes over me.  Or I get swept up in the current of every day.

The alarm goes off. I hit the snooze and then when I can’t hit the snooze any longer — the day takes off.  In track shoes.

So why does it feel like I’m still waiting? On pause.

Maybe I need to figure out the direction I want to head — and start straining against the current?

What about you?




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