
The kiss of innocence.

“Give me a kiss under the mistel-toe.”

My youngest came in a few minutes ago while I stared absent-mindlessly at the computer.

Not only was his pronunciation a bit off, his green sprig was a holly branch.



But I played along.

It doesn’t seem as if my two youngest children know anything of the horrific scenes out of Connecticut.

I wonder how much of life is like that?

People we encounter, the private hells they are living though — we have no idea.

My head swims with how precarious life is, how evil breaks through and destroys the most innocent . . . and all the while, my mistel-toe bandit blissfully slaps away on the iPad next to me.

I thank God for the horrors I know not of and pray for the families who suffered unspeakable lost today.

And all of us. I pray for mercy on all of us —












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