
Ten Things Thankful. It’s the Little Things Edition.

This past week seemed sooo long. Weird because it was a shorter one.

We traveled back from Florida Monday so the kids had only four days of school. Though it seems like 10. Go figure?

Ten Things Thankful for the week that was.

10.   It didn’t snow.

I know. I know. This makes me seem grinchish but if it snows and commerce stops my husband stresses about his business.

So happy it didn’t snow.


9.  Thankful for cold medicine.

Got my first official cold of the season. My nose is about to fall off. Thankful for decongestants.


8.  Thankful for spring break.

Our college son came home yesterday. Though he was off with friends an hour after he arrived, still nice to know he will be breezing in and out next week. And Mike and Mike will be my background muzak in the morning and not Squawk Box. Though I do love the Squawkers.


7.  Thankful for good books to read in the middle of the night.

Said every menopausal woman ever.  A subset of all the people trying to sleep with head colds.


 6.  Thankful for the Dollar Tree selling this little light for a dollar.



Yes. I’d gotten spoiled reading from my phone in the middle of the night. But what happens when you have a good book book?  Thankfully you can go old school with the light in the middle of the night for a buck.


5.  The book section at Goodwill and Flea Markets.

Trying to awaken dormant frugal matter in my brain and not always automatically downloading from Amazon. Had great luck last time I hit the local Goodwill.  Got a hardback of Stephen King’s On Writing to put on my shelf. And this book I finished last night.



One of the prolific Jodi Picoult’s earlier novels. It was good but I like her latest Leaving Time better. Some really good twists in that one. And I’m pretty hard to surprise with a good twist, not to brag. But I kind of am.


4.  Thankful for good friends who can recommend a lighter, well-written next book.

Most of what I have read lately has been darker. Next book, I need humor or just not murders, suicides, bat-ship dysfunction. I need a break from reality.

So please comment on any enjoyable books you’ve read lately.


3.  Thankful for Monday and Wednesday next week.


Doesn’t even look like they will be nice days. But just seeing 77 makes me HAPPY!!!!!


 2.  I wasn’t locked out of my house last week.

So I have that going for me.


1.   March 1.


Please leave suggestions for good reads.  Wishing you a great week.



Ten Things of Thankful


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