
Rockin’ the Pilgrim hat. Or would I have boarded the ship?

Fifty-seven degrees.

That’s how cold it was in our house this morning. Good thing we are not actually in our house yet (due to remodel hell) — because the heat was not working.

So I called the repair person — who came right out.

He fixed the heat.

And I went on my merry way, till I went in the house this afternoon and thought . . .

It’s flippin’ cold in here for a house with a working heater.

Guess what.

The thermostat read a  lovely 57 degrees and the heater was not working again.

Poop. Poop. And triple poop.

Linking on with Finish the Sentence Friday and the prompt: “When I think of the word pilgrim, I think…”

Well. when I was little when I thought pilgrim, I thought this.



The best that I can remember, this was taken by my grandfather on their front steps. I had come over after church and tied my grandmother’s apron over my “church clothes” and he had taken my photo.

With my pilgrim hat on.

Now I remember feeling kind of dorky on one level about the apron but another part of me LOVED that hat.

That hat rocked the whole outfit.

Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday and nothing was better than getting my bonnet on.

Heck. I might even make me one this year?

Yes, when I was a girl I loved the ideal of the Pilgrims and friendly Native Americans gathering around the 63″ plasma television to watch the Detroit Lions toss the pigskin around with the Jamestown Puritans.

All the turkey, cranberries and corn.

Then I read an historical account of the Pilgrims’ voyage and first few years in the New World.

Utterly and completely miserable. Cold and wet and so many of them died. So many of the children orphaned.

It was a very hard existence. And here I am fretting about a heater that’s not working — in a house I’m not even in yet.

When I think of the word Pilgrim, I think of amazing, heroic people.

Who died never knowing how amazing and heroic they were.

I wonder if they would have got on the Mayflower and left England if they could have seen what waited for them in the coming months?

Would I have bundled up my black-skirted self and stepped aboard?

Maybe it’s best we don’t know the future?

What do you think?

Well, other than the obvious fact that I can rock the heck out of a bonnet.

What does “pilgrim” mean to you?


Janine's Confessions of A Mommyaholic




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