
Oh To Be a Lemon Farmer. 

Maybe it’s this cold winter, but I found myself googling cruises to the North Sea. No sillies. Lemon trees.

I had incredible urge to plant a lemon grove.

And there’s $23.46 in my checking account. So I soon realized my lemon dreams had to start small.





How long has that been sitting there? My baby tree nestled in the mail basket overnight in the freezing temps.


I raced inside to see if there had been any damage.




Well. It was still green.


I read up on growing Meyer lemons in pots since I’m going to be a lemon farmer and all. One source said to use a glazed pot. Another advised that they like to be root bound.

I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to take this little net off.


It was perforated so I took it off.

And then half the dirt fell on the floor.






I bet this is how Dr. Phillips started Minute Maid.

Any advice on lemons? Recipes for killer lemonade?



Though not sure I’ll see a lemon in my lifetime.



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