
October: Means Excitement for the Fall Classic, Marshmallow Pumpkins and My Mammogram.

Mammograms. Since I’ve been getting them for the last decade, the procedure seems pretty routine.

Until you get a letter saying your last one was Abby-Normal. As happened to me last October. Then you freeze, your heart flutters and you can’t write the blog post encouraging all women over 40 to have their annual screening.

No. I didn’t do this post last year after I got my Dear Abby Normal letter.  So after my mammo this morning, I resolved to create a picture-filled post of what it’s like to have a routine screening mammogram. Before any results might change my mind. To show you, how really painless it is and encourage anyone feeling any hesitation to call today.


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First of all I must admit. Not many gals (or guys if a lump is found) get to have their BRF, Best Running Friend, as their mammogram technician.

Here’s Kim. Isn’t she lovely. No wonder she was crowned Miss Griffin in high school. I asked her to wear her sash today but she politely declined. I guess mammographers are humble that way.



There she is . . . Miss Morgan Memorial.



Now, you have to fill out a little paper work.



And then here’s the cool part.

Because October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, our local hospital has a lovely parting gift for those who do the love embrace with the breast press this month.

We get to pick from one of these.


Miss America couldn’t have modeled those any better.

Well, I had to see which one l liked best.


Then when I heard a local woman, and breast cancer survivor, had made 70 scarfs for the hospital to give away. There wasn’t any hesitation as to which one I would select.


I’m a sucker for a pretty scarf and a great story.

So after my name was dropped in the box for the big end of the month give-a-way, I stripped’er down and stepped up to the plate.


Honesty here.

My heart started pittering and pattering this way and that.

It’s wasn’t fun to get that letter last year.

But heck — isn’t that why we get annual screenings?  If something is there — something we can’t feel yet — THANK GOD that it shows up in an X-ray. And it can be taken care of.

So if any of you are anxious because of a family history or previous abnormal tests, please press on through your fear and get checked again.

And speaking of fears, Kim encouraged me to post a photo of my X-ray.

“Lots of folks have never seen a mammogram photo before.”

Well, this is coming from a woman who sees so many sets of breast in October, by the end of the month breasts large and small fill her dreams.

And not in a 14-year-old boy’s dreams kind of way.

Kim, a medical professional,  is comfortable with exposed breasts. Me, not so much.


Okay. I made the photo smaller because,

I am only Stuart Little brave.

That’s me. Muscle and breast tissue. Fat and water. It’s up for the doctor to say whether there’s anything that needs a closer look.


I bought a t-shirt as well. For there is hope. Hope that one day cancer will only be a thing in history e-books.

Hope for every individual.

For now that hope includes getting your set of girlies in for a medical press and photo.

Have you had a recent mammogram?

I did a great post a while back jam packed with breast cancer awareness facts if you’d like more info.


Linking up with the fabulous Greta@gfunkieds and Sarah@sundayspill for #iPPP.



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