
Nose bleeds and cats’ abscesses. Those things don’t cross your mind when you wake up in a morning.

I’d planned to get so much work done today.

Work as in paying work.

And then my daughter woke with a fever. And the same sore throat she’d complained of for a few days.

So she stayed home and we went to the doctor and guess what?

The strep’s been going around landed at our house.

So then to get medicine and then to vote.

And then to call the vet.

Yes, the vet.

When we were leaving for the human doctor, we noticed one of the cats looked like he swallowed the canary.

Except the dang bird was wedged in his throat. That dern cat’s neck had grown a lump the size of a tennis ball overnight.

I thought about taking a photo for the blog but even I know when to give an ornery feline a little privacy.




Just to set your minds at ease, here is a photo I just took of Oreo. Resting on a stack of cr@p in my office. You know how cats love to claim piles of stuff. Oreo hangs out in my office a lot because he has a lot to claim in here.

So why the big puffy face earlier?

Well after my daughter ingested her first dose of antibiotics, I loaded Oreo up in his carrier and head to the vet. Michele, my friend and knowledgeable veterinary assistant, met us at the door in full-body armor.

Let’s just say Oreo has a reputation at the vet.

So the nice vet comes in and I explain to her about how this gigantic lump on our cat’s neck materialized right before our eyes — and my nose starts to bleed.

I’m standing there talking to the vet with a tissue in one hand and the other pinching the bridge of my nose.

All’s the while Michelle is trying to help the animal doctor examine my cat without losing her left — and part of her right — arm.

Oreo was sedated and the abscess relieved.

Jury is still out one my nose.

And how was your day?

NaBloPoMo Day 4 . . .




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