
Musing on today’s treasure ~ family gatherings.

Sally sat in the same spot at the dinner table. Well, she always sat in the same spot. That's just oyster's way.

Today Mathison writes of the importance of staying connected with our church family.  

Everyone with their unique abilities, personality strengths and history has something to add to the party that no one else can.  

“When we all learn that we have something to teach — and something to learn from others — that’s when great things happen.” page 135.

Can’t agree with that statement more.  

“None of us has all the answers — but together, we come pretty close.”  

So when we come together as a church family we don’t only lift each other up — we learn from each other.  

And if we’re stuck around each other all the time..  

It warmed Sally to see such great attendance in church. Though two visitors had a hard time finding seats.

 we grow together. We care about what has happened in each other’s world during the week.  

Do I feel compelled to meet with my church family regularly? Why or why not?  page. 137

Yes, (esp. Sunday School). Because I bring the coffee and hot water for tea and hot chocolate

What does my prescence bring to the family table.

See above. (Coffee and hot chocolate.)



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