Musing on shopping for sunglasses.

Musing on shopping for sunglasses.

I LOVE shopping for sunglasses.

Nothing so cheaply bought can make me so happy.

Well, nothing I can think of at present.

They must have recently stocked the walls at Target.

I did have the children with me — so that cut down on how many different pairs I could try.

Gray, gold, shell, metal. white, pink.

Round, square, dinner plate sized or tapas. The only thing I’m not too keen about on me is anything cat-like. The ones that pull your eye upward.


But after trying on lots, IĀ got down to two pair.

And today I let my children pick the winner.

They’re perfect.

Until I lose them 10 3/4 days from now and have to go through the entire process again.

2 responses to “Musing on shopping for sunglasses.”

  1. john miles says:

    Why does every blog cost me money?

  2. hannah kate says:

    um well, who is he trying to fight, i mean does he hate himself or something!!!!!!! HHHHHMMMMM!!!!!!

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