
Musing on herding squirrels to the Big Tree.

Single moms. I don’t know how they do it.

The last few days I’ve been alone with my two youngest and honestly it’s been fun.

That’s because we weren’t on a schedule. Heaven forbid it would have been a regular weekday.

The only time it got a little frantic was trying to make it to church. I was determined not to have a “Dad’s not here so we are staying home from church” Sunday.

Here’s where the herding squirrels part comes in.

Got them up, got them fed, got them dressed — almost.


Why, oh why, is it always the shoes?

Normal people put their shoes in normal spots like by the door or in the closet.

I think my son’s shoes must run off and hide in the most unpredictable spots.

Under my bed, on the front porch, in the oven.

Hallelujah! At 9:05 we found the shoes. “Put them on,” I yelled running to throw on a pair of jeans.

(I reserve lots of leeway for contemporary worship attire.)

We get to church, sit down and I look at my son’s feet.

His shoes were untied.

At that split second the pastor dismisses the children to children’s church. I let him go.

In my single mom status, I was too weakened to pull him back and tie his shoes. Surely, someone will tie his shoes (isn’t that what married people do to help single moms?)

I saw my child an hour and a half later.

I guess I should have stopped him before he left for children's church.


As we headed out to the parking lot, he handed me his Sunday School papers and wanted to show me what he made in church.


I can't make this stuff up.


Yes, from the church to the pokey. Don’t know what it was about the story of Joseph that inspired him to create handcuffs?

Another mystery I need to ask Jesus when I get to heaven. In the very, very distant future. (As if I have any control over that timetable.)

What is the oddest thing your squirrel ever crafted in church?



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