
Musing on He is Risen.


That is the chalkboard in our kitchen. The “Respect Each Other” stays at top every day. And is ignored every day.

The rest changes with our schedule.

Today He is Alive!

But my alarm wasn’t. This was an even bigger problem than usual when you plan to go to sunrise service.

We made it.

As we were gathering at the beautiful Pennington home — I saw everyone walking with lawn chairs.

UGH. That was a little too much for me to remember.

But Ladies I am happy to report Chivalry’s demise was reported prematurely.

Here he was…

Stork. Our knight in blue jeans.


The Lord placed a halo sort of around Stork for offering up his chair.

I also must apologize for quality of pictures, at church pancake breakfast I saw some beautiful ones Joe Cardwell had taken. Alas, you have to do with me and my cell phone.

I have not been drinking....enough coffee. Remember alarm malfunction.

If you look carefully you can see a boat…bringing our Pastor Grady Mosley across the Sea of Galilee.

His messages during Lent have been encouraging us to be fishers of men. So what better place to wrap up series on Easter Sunday than from a fisherman’s boat?



Then we headed to church to a wonderful pancake breakfast by the Methodist Men.

Now I knew they could BBQ some incredible chicken…but they served up pancakes, bacon and sausage.


Love these men…they don’t make them any better.


That’s my Easter morning. It was so beautiful at the lake.

So green.

So at peace.

So alive.

And so is He.



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