
Musing on beginnings.

I’m at the beach.

Nothing makes me happy as a clam in salt water than being near salt water, salty air, the sound of waves crashing and salty, moist wind on my face and in my hair.

I do have some work…so got up early and shuffled down to the hotel lobby.

I love hotel lobbies early in the morning. It reminds me of working in tourist spots as a girl, when you would hate to get out of bed early to go to work but once you got there, the stillness before the storm of the day’s traffic was intoxicating.

But that is an entirely different post.

Today when the Starbucks opened…I noticed it was lighter outside, so I thought…what could be better than writing outside at the beach?

Then after about 10 minutes of peek-a-boo..

Our star appeared.

 Once she peeked through it was only a matter of minutes before I couldn’t see the computer screen because of the glare.

I’m inside now.

Light is a powerful thing.  Without a sound, it illumines, warms and blasts into our being and onto our techno gadgets.

Beginnings make me happy.

I’m happy — though sitting inside to see my screen hearing how folks want their coffee and as they select their danish.

I wish the brilliant light of dawn — all day — for all of us, this day.



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