
Mr. SMMuse’s advice on a romantic getaway: his muse moves.

Every couple needs time away.

Not just time away from each other, I’m talking about the all-important time away

with each other.

Now some might think I talked bad about my husband yesterday.

I state facts as I see them…but he really sky-rocked in the  dude department when we landed in our room.

His three muse moves to romantic success.

Upon arrival:



He pulled out plenty of wine.



He had squirreled away plenty of lacy things. (For me not him -- not that I mind a guy with a feminine side.)


Okay. Those are most bathing suits but this is a PG-blog. Not that I would mind my children reading this and seeing pictures of lacy things. Children, you just need remember these things are is for mommys and daddys who love each other very much.*

So if he didn’t have all that going for him, he made himself utterly irresistible..

and gave me this.



I love this man.


What is a gift that unlocks your heart and your …well, best stop with heart?



* And who are married to each other.






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