
“Look at you. You got some hips.” Thank you Jesus.

I wrote yesterday about me mum. How I love me mum but how it’s the little things that make me gaga.

Funny. When us humans have a deep bond, we often let the tongue out. Take my friend Annie.

Lately Annie has been remarking on the fact that I now have hips.

“Look at you. Where did you get those hips from?”

Now I’m sure I was born with 38 inch hips. (I’m guessing they are 38″. They could be 39″ but I’m not going to find a tape measure for a blog post.)

For some reason Annie seems to think they are more apparent now.

I give Annie a lot of room to critique my hips because we have a deep bond. A spiritual bond.

When we are together we talk about Jesus.

Because honestly, that is all Annie talks about. So if you’re going to be around Annie for any length of time Jesus is going to come up.

This is me and Annie today.



We went out for Annie’s birthday.

After we took this photo, I told her 30 years from now when I’m 80 and she’s 88 we’ve got to take a photo after having lunch for her birthday.

Then I promptly asked her to pray to Jesus that I make it to 80.

She said she would pray for me — but only God knows if I’ll make it another thirty years.

Which is of course true.

Annie and I met over three years ago when she knocked on my front door to ask about my garden. On that day we prayed for my greens.

And we’ve been praying, talking about Jesus and eating greens ever since.

Some takeaways from our lunch today.

Praise more and pray less.

Just thank God for taking care of us. He already knows what we need.

So I guess I’m to stop praying that we’ll be in our house by Thanksgiving. I was getting all mopey at the thought of no Christmas tree.

No more of that.

It’s funny. Annie and I are from such different places in some ways. But there are not many people that I feel as relaxed with as she. Except when she is talking about my hips.

I guess I need to be praising Jesus for my hips.

I don’t write about my faith much.

But if you doubt there is a God and that he loves you,

I wish for you an Annie in your life.

So you could feel it and see it. That which I seem unable to write of.






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