
Falling down the rabbit hole.

Hello. Does anybody hear me?

Yes, I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole — or through a worm hole. We got home from our vacation to having our house look nothing like our house. They have completed most of the demolition for the remodeling to start.

Walking into our dusty shell of a house felt like creeping a bit on the moon.  There is no air conditioning, no kitchen or no bath — no water — just like a dark, dusty hole in the ground.

For the time being, my family moved to a in a 700 square apartment out back. With no internet. Today is the first day, I’ve made it up to the command module — my little makeshift office. An upstairs room in our house that is shut off from the mayhem downstairs that also has a window unit.

This space also is the new home to my printer and the only space we can get internet access. So it’s a little easier to breath up here.

Just checking into to say I am alive and that I have found a lifeline to the online world. Hurrah.

Here are a few photos from the beach last week. I’ll post pictures of the demolition on the house tomorrow.

How are things in your world? My world is great — though a bit upside down at the moment.

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The beach. My favorite place in the world.



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