
Counting the ways I love my mate.

“How to I love thee? Let me count the ways.”

Said by Me for this blog.

No silly, that was Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

At the suggestion of The Bonny Bard, this week’s listicle is counting the 10 ways my partner’s awesome.

10.   The way he smiles.

The first awesome thing I noticed about him.


9.      He’s very patient with all my craziness.

He wasn’t that patient when I said I’d be training for a triathlon this summer, but he did agree to do a race with me this fall.


8.    He works very, very hard and built up a thriving mediation business that started 12 years ago with him driving to judge’s offices in his car.


7.    He’s my biggest cheerleader and support.


6.   He calls me out when I need it.


5.   He’s a great speaker and bible teacher.

Honestly, it first bugged the heck out of me when he started teaching and preaching. But people seemed to get so much out of it. It was just my selfishness at the perceived “preacher’s wife” role.  I learned like most things in life — it really isn’t all about me.


4.   He’s fun. And makes me laugh like no one else.

Which I think is why we ended up together all those years ago. And are still together.


3.    He doesn’t mess around.

I met a married fellow and father the other day. It was evident that he was a heavy drinker and flirter. Made me once again thankful my husband gets his ego filled in other ways.  I wouldn’t have much patience with that attitude.


2.   He doesn’t nit-pick my physical appearance. 

Again. That would get really, really old.


1.    Because he really still seems to be crazy about me after almost 25 years.


What’s fabulous about your mate?







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