
The State of the House Address.

I’ve been working lately.

And I’m experiencing the routine anxiety that accompanies it.

Today I had an epiphany.

It’s not completing the work that stresses me so much. I’ve got great material to write from — almost too much.

The actual writing is a bit of a challenge but one I can do and that’s not what worries me.

It’s the time.

That’s the stressor.  I figured it out today.

Working part-time, I think I can do everything I can do when I’m not writing (in addition to household, community and familial chores).

It’s November 7 and I’ve been putting Halloween away in stages.


I’m not going to show you my kitchen. I do have a scintilla of pride.

Let’s just say that I get the dishes out of the sink in the nick of time to cram more in there to soak.

Our bedroom is straight. It’s my sanctuary.

It’s where I work.

Then I go into the kitchen (to get a snack that I don’t need) along the way, impaling my feet on Legos littering the family room floor. *GASP*

I’ve failed.

But then I realized today. If I worked full time, I wouldn’t put the pressure on myself to get everything done.

I’m only working part-time.

That’s nothing, right? I should be able to do it ALL.


That’s me. The gourd with the penetrating stare.

I’ve just got to be okay with a messy environment till the middle of November.

I told my children, no Thanksgiving boxes filled with turkey and pilgrim decorations will be opened and displayed till this house is cleaned.

Maybe I should just pack up Halloween, get it in the attice and open up the turkeys.

No matter the State of the House.

Gobble, gobble.

How do you get it all done?



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