
Spend this and no more.

The last two days I have been trapped in a car with my children.

Road tripping.

Honestly, they have been pretty good.

Mostly because I have caved into whatever they have asked for.

Starting with a 10 minute detour in lovely Macon, Georgia to find . . .



My daughter asked for me to buy two dozen.

I countered with a half dozen.

We settled on 12 but got an extra one thrown in because she ordered a milk.

I gave up sweet things for Lent and had to sadly admit that Krispy Kremes on Spring Break are no exception.

So my two children ate 12 glazed doughnuts. Er. Thirteen.



And as much as I HATE how plugged-in my children are.

How antisocial and demonic they become after too much time with electronics — I am thankful for the ability for them to zone out for hours while we drive down hundreds of miles of interstate gray asphalt.






I even splurged for fancy drinks at Starbucks and I never do that.





We arrived at our destination today.

Safe and sound.

This is the first all cash trip I’ve taken ever.

My husband handed me a wad of cash and said spend this and no more.


But I’ve had to pay for a hotel. Two tank loads of gas.

Krispy Kremes and fancy drinks at Starbucks.

I’ll have to do a longer post on the all cash experiment.

It disappears a lot quicker than you would think.

Any advice on staying sane with children while traveling without spending all your dwindling cash?



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