
Should I Save Her? Time Blow(s) Away at Midlife.

Wednesday was nonstop.

One of those crazy days, racing here and yon.

On one trip, I looked up halfway down my grassy, bumpy drive to spy this . . .


GASP. George Harrison Best of Dark Horse. Only one of my favorite CDs.

I know. I’m intolerably old with my discs but I love this one and have had to order it twice from random people (who obviously don’t care about George like I do) because they don’t print the CD anymore.

Linking up again with and A Week in My Life 2012.



In all the rushing, I did stop for a moment early afternoon for an interview on a piece I’m starting to pull together.

We sat outside on a porch in the warm air.

It was lovely.



But earlier in the day when I stopped to rescue George, I was headed to a local clothes closet.

In all my recent rage to clean out and organize our attic, my girlfriend helped me sort my things on where to best donate.

So I loaded up the old Burban.


As I put the things into the car, I noticed a trend.

Lots of baby stuff.

Had it been that long since I used some of these things?


This post might only outline my tasks for a solitary day — but looking over at the Pack-n-Play leaving me forever, it felt like decades lodged in my heart.

I almost reached over and pull the shoulder belt over her.

Should I save her?

No silly. Your future daughter-in-law is most probably not going to want to drop her bundle into a portable crib with two decade of dust layered in every musty corner.

Or maybe I’m the one who’s getting a little mold under her fingernails?

A middle-aged woman with no baby paraphernalia in her house.

No. Of course it was the right thing to donate the baby clutter and they were happy to get it.

I really didn’t feel the least bit sad driving away with an empty car.

Though I did turn up George to what might be considered uncomfortably loud for a middle-aged woman with no baby stuff under her rafters.

Oh well.

Blow away, blow away, blow away.



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