
My daughter the peas-maker in our home.

My children fight.

They fight about who sits where at the dining table or in the car.

My daughter typed the following anger management list into her computer. (And I’m sure most of these suggestions are from some website. But I have no earthly idea who to acknowledge.)

So this is her little cheat sheet that could easily be handed out to a mom from her therapist. If her therapist was her 11-year-old daughter.



how to avoid anger, or not get mad at little bro.

scream into a pillow
act like they aren’t bugging you
take yourself out of the situation
use relaxation techniques
think before you speak
calm down
*  do jumping jacks  (My personal favorite)
*  say i love you then walk away  (She has been doing this. In fact I do it now. When they act up I say, “I love you” and walk away. It’s so much FUN.)

ask them to politely leave you alone
if they continue, calmly walk away, p.s. they might follow you!

don’t try to copy them
dont annoy them, they will just annoy you more!
don’t fight


What are you favorite, anti-argument techniques?

And do they work? Well, maybe you don’t want to answer that.





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