Mom, What’s for Dinner? Oh really….Heaven help me.

Mom, What’s for Dinner? Oh really….Heaven help me.

My mom was a pretty good cook.

At least she cooked.

We had a meal on the table half-past Walter Cronkite every night. Not that the TV was on. EVER. Heaven forbid. (Minor exception when University of Florida football playing at 6:35 on a weekday night.)

*   *   *

It’s almost Thursday and like a compass needle drawn to that big N in the sky, I find myself looking over MamaKat’s prompts.

1.) What’s for dinner Mom? Describe a meal your Mom cooked that you dreaded eating growing up.


Within seconds of reading that prompt two words popped into my head:

Chipped Beef.

There will be no need for an accompanying photo because Chipped Beef looks exactly like you vomited on a piece of toast.

Imagine that and you’ve got your 8 X 10 glossy worthy of a Martha Stewart cookbook.

Except with Chipped Beef you eat it.

It was warm.

Just like vomit.

It was a spectacular aromatic blend of creamy and chunky.

Just like vomit.

Amazing thing was I ate it every time and it always stayed down.


What did your mom fix that looked like the contents of your stomach?

Or maybe just tasted like it?

P.S. I love you mom. I know you cooked all that Barfed Beef because Dad had a thing for it.

Mama’s Losin’ It



13 responses to “Mom, What’s for Dinner? Oh really….Heaven help me.”

  1. I know exactly what you mean about the chipped beef. I’ve never actually had it homemade, but my dad used to order it in diners every once in a while, and I couldn’t understand how he choked it down (let alone order it on purpose!).

    My mom’s a great cook, so I’m having a hard time remembering anything she made that I hated. The only thing I can think of is Chopped Liver, which is one of those traditional Jewish foods that small children are forced to eat a tiny bite of every year until they leave home, at which point they have been brainwashed and find themselves craving the formerly hated food as an adult. (Another one of these is Gefilte Fish. And Whitefish. And Chub. Mostly fish dishes, in fact.)

  2. May says:

    Yup, half past Walter Cronkite! I love that. Our worlds were managed in such clear routines back then.
    So, I am thinking….chipped beef–its not what’s for dinner?!

  3. Jenny F says:

    I hated chipped beef as a child! Now as an adult we make something that we call chipped beef, but it is not gravy based…more of a cheese base, that we spread on toast and bake in the oven. Shockingly yummy…but my kids wont eat it…

    My step mother used to make it, and I HATED it with every fiber of my being! I once sat there refusing to eat, and was sent to bed hungry…dear me, I insulted you? Oh…okay, then I will just go to my room and find my stash of gummy worms! it wasnt a victory, as I was starving…but it meant that I did not have to stomach that horrible gravy based slop!

    Stopping by Mama Kats, thanks for sharing your memories!

  4. Natteringnic says:

    You had me at “half-past Walter Cronkite”. Brilliant line to a fab post. Consider me subscribed!

    *dropping in from MamaKat*

  5. Katie says:

    Every one of these that I read reminds me of another hated food. Chipped Beef would be one of these.

  6. Kristen says:

    I have to say I’ve never heard of chipped beef. Growing up I thought my mom’s meat loaf was the worst thing to have for dinner, and now I love it. But I still can’t stand the tapioca pudding she used to make, but I don’t think I would like it from anybody. Thanks for the comment on my post!

  7. Ginger says:

    That is too funny! I am seeing a trend with all the food posts…barf, vomit, sickness…BAWHAHAHA!

  8. kaye says:

    LOL! My husband feels the same way. Fortunately my mom never made that. thanks for stopping by today.

  9. Tina says:

    Chipped beef? I can honestly say that we never had that for dinner. Which means that my dad must have hated it! Thanks for the laugh!

  10. Sue says:

    Ew. Just ew. No recipe should have the word “chipped” in it, in my humble opinion.

  11. Oh heavens! You made me laugh so hard over this post. I can honestly say I don’t recall ever having chipped beef, but really? Vomit?? Is it really THAT bad? It was great linking up with you via Mama Kat’s writing workshop weekly prompt. I am now following…~Cathy ^.^

  12. Kat says:

    You are the second person to write about chipped beef…seems this meal did not leave a favorable impression on many. Just the name of the meal alone makes me want to vomit. Ew!

  13. Jamie Miles says:

    My husband’s mother served it a lot. She insists it was because it was so economical…

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