
It’s not easy being green on a job interivew.

I went on this funky job interview.

One for a job that I really wanted. It was at this up and coming place. Movers, shakers, jackhammer and bulldozer types all working there.

Things were going okay, till the interviewer asked the question, “If you had to select a color to pick your personality what would it be?”

“Well,” I stammered and looked down at my hands. Then I glanced up real quick like, then back down and started pulling on my rings.

What should I say? What do they want me to say?

“Blue, er no. Make that green. Or maybe blue-green.”

Calm, deep, cool. Clear.

Super, that’s not very inspiring, Jamie.


I should say “red.”

As in Red Hots, a fire, a fire engine, The Wicked Queen’s apple.

Coca cola, red hair, the burning hot coils on the stove and a bloodied nose.

A matador’s cape, the nighttime sky and your car’s engine light when it’s about to die.


Yes, nothing half throttle about red.

I thought I had found something against the rule.

Watermelon. But I had to concede it’s really pink on the inside.


The interviewer (a red guy for sure) stared at me twiddling my jewelry.

In a panic, I whispered, “green.”

As in grass, frogs, leaves.

Limes, margaritas and trees.

Recycle, reuse, refuse and peas.


That << yawning >> sound you heard is the interviewer.


Then I quickly changed my answer to “blue.” “Yes, I’m more of a blue.”

As in sky and water.

Water and sky.

Sky lazily dipping down to drink of the water.

Water spewing ever so delicately up to embrace the sky.

Oh there’s also,

A skink.

And a baboon’s rear.

Skim milk?


<< BAM >> That was the sound of the interviewer’s head hitting the table as he had fallen comatose asleep.


No, I’m not really a red girl.

Not even a red girl trapped in green girl’s body.

Even if I sliced my arm open sitting there in that office of slate and glass, I couldn’t fake red.





Looking over Mama Kat’s writing prompts this week . . .

4.) Write a blog post inspired by the word “red”.


 What color are you?



Mama’s Losin’ It




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