
First Things First. A list of ten.

The first.

A list of ten firsts for a Monday Listicle @Stasha’s as suggested by Bridget @Twinisms.


10. First time I voted.

1984 Presidential Election. As an uber-liberated college student, I cast my absentee ballot for Ronnie Reagan.




9. First time I sang solo in public. Never. Ever. Ever.

Not even karaoke after I’ve had a few adult Coca Colas.


8.  First pet: A white Persian kitty that I named Snowball.


7.  First real kiss: Was really awful.


6.   First trip to Walt Disney World: I was eight years old and speechless that someone built all this just for me 40 minutes from my driveway.




5.    First child.  Age 30


4   First marathon: Age 45.

That’s what 15 years and two more children will make you want to do.  Run far, far, away from home for hours and hours.


3.  First Album. The Partridge Family

I Think I Love You…


2. First perm. Was horrific.

No photos. Ever.


1. First NFL game:  Green Bay Packers at Tampa Bay. I think 1978.

At the Sombrero.

The only thing I remember about this game was that my dad and I locked our keys in the car. Oops.

Mom had to drive 90 minutes from Orlando to Tampa with an extra set for it was Sunday and we couldn’t get a locksmith who wanted to get anywhere near stadium traffic.

And what about you-who? Any firsts to report?




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