
Dinner for 10. At Ten? A Sting-ing Listicle.

What a difference a Monday Listicle makes.

Last Monday, we listed sounds that drive us mad. And I had three children living under my roof.

This week, our assignment with Stasha should we choose to accept it: 10 PEOPLE LIVING OR DEAD YOU WOULD INVITE TO A DINNER PARTY.

And after depositing my child at college, for the first time in a long time — there are only two children tucked in their beds.

But there is one constant in all this.

I am not The Entertainer.

Those of us who have reached a certain age surely remember that song. From one really great movie. How can you miss with Robert Redford and Paul Newman? Trick question, I know.


So this shall be a dinner party of twelve. My husband, moi and these lucky people who get to dine on get my casserole, salad and bread.


10.   Paul Newman.  Just look above. The one on the left.

9.     Gary Cooper. My husband and I would both love this. I don’t know what is is about him, but the celluloid Gary Cooper fascinates me. Got to find out what makes him tick.


With this movie star thing, least you think me shallow…

8. Mother Teresa. After reading the book of her private letters, I am utterly fascinated and awed by her. Her life was filled with moments of utter blackness and despair yet she kept her faith and giving her life for others. She had quite the sense of humor it seemed. A great quality in any dinner party guest.





Okay. I am shallow. Both my husband and I would request Tom Selleck, circa 1983 as our number 7.

Lest you think me bad, I let hubby pick dinner party guest Number…


6.  Abraham Lincoln. Wow Johnny. Great choice.


5.  Jane Austen.  On second thought, no one else need to show up other than guest Number 5.


4. Julius Caesar. Lots of questions for him.


3.  Mary.  As in the mother of our Lord. Way too intimidating to have JC Himself. I’d surely burn something.


2.  Tim Tebow. A Jet himself. I’d invite him for I’m sure my Number 1 guest would love talking to him.


1.  My Jake.  Who we dropped off at college on Wednesday.


Love and Mummy misses you.

Who would you ask for dinner? Or takeout.  There was no rule against serving takeout was there?





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