
Burial ground for old grocery lists.

Linking up with Stasha @The Good Life and another list. Because it’s Monday and stopping by her blog always makes me smile.

This week at Ducky’s @BatCrap Crazy suggestion we are listing 10 things in our purse.

So I dumped out my bag.



10.  Reading glasses.  

One of the items that causes PANIC if I can’t find a pair when I need them.

9.  Keys to my Dad’s car.

Mom let us take my dad’s car back with us.  (My dad died last New Year’s Eve). It sits in our driveway making me sad. I think she gave it to us so it wouldn’t be sitting in her driveway making her sad.

It has come in handy because my tires are shot and when I have to travel more than 10 miles — like later this week — I can hope in Dad’s car and go.

8.  Wallet.

Crammed with everything imaginable except cash.

7.  AAA Batteries.

This must be from an recent interview. I switched out the low ones from my recorder and stuffed them in my purse.

6.  A Pen.

5.  Lipstick

I started this purse a few months ago with three different tubes in three different shades. The remaining tube is my least favorite. Which explains why I’m not wearing a lot of lipstick lately.

4.  Keys to my car with the bad tires.

That I usually drive everywhere around town. And if I should get into an accident that could be caused slick tires — all this stuff about my car having bad tires is utter fabrication from my sick mind.

3. Old grocery lists.

Surprised there aren’t more of those crammed in there. They usually hang round for months like old batteries.

My purse is where old grocery lists go to die.

2. Checkbook.

My wallet was too full to handle my checkbook. I kept throwing my checkbook in my bag and all the checks kept getting scrunched and torn. So I found an old baggie in there one day and put my crumbled checkbook in there.

Don’t say I’m not a recycle bunny.

1. Church program.

Look Mom, I was in church today no matter what my Twitter stream said.

What about your bag? Right now?



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