
Musing on unpacked bags in the middle of the floor.

Mine’s on the right.

 We returned from the beach yesterday.  This was our bedroom floor last night.  

First off — notice that we took two huge bags for two people and we were gone two full days.  

2 people + 2 suitcases + 2 full days = stupid.   

But I came back from exercising late yesterday and saw this tableau.  

Notice one suitcase is cleaned out (except my belongings) and the other looks just as it did yesterday morning after I crammed stuff into it to leave.  

 Someone cleaned out their belongs and put them away.  


This morning. Another picture.   

One suitcase has vanished. 

What little elf is straightening up all my husband’s things and leaving mine laying in the middle of the floor?  


The jammies are new. I cast them there after carpool — didn’t think I should walk the dog in them. 

Some people are good about cleaning out their suitcases and putting stuff away. 

Other folks keep their’s packed, crammed-full of hurts, slights, comments misinterpreted.   

I am really bad about unpacking after a trip. Sometime a suitcase gets buried in more stuff I toss on there —  like a bonfire of clothes I don’t know what to do with.

Now Forgiving. I’m pretty good at unloading that stuff.

But  Worries.  I rarely unload that bag full of dirty clothes and things I took just in case….

What about you? 

Do you step  day after day over a huge bag of bitterness or frets?  Adding to it till the pile gets bigger and bigger?





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