
10 Gifts that would be better to give than receive.

I’m not a gift person. This Christmas (by agreement) my husband and I didn’t exchange gifts. You know what?

I didn’t even notice. If I sit there with my coffee on Christmas morning watching others tear red wrapping paper covered in bubble-shaped penguins in a frenzy, I’m a happy gal.

Maybe this is not so altruistic? Maybe it’s that when I want something, I get it. No delayed gratification waiting for gifts for me. No sir.

Our Monday Listicle for this week:  10 “OH NO YOU DIDN’T” GIFTS.

10. Pets.

I love animals. Then they poop in my house, need feeding, need soaking (which I did to Cinderella our tortoise yesterday). Please save the pet drama for someone else.


9.  Electronics.

My dear husband has pushed me into the 21st Century and given me every electronic gadget I have. They crowd my time and free space in my brain. Try as I might, I’ve yet to figure out how to back up my gray matter on an iCloud.


8.  Fish.

Does this fall into pets? I don’t like cleaning water or worrying about the proper temperature. I am responsible for their entire existence.

Guess I’m glad that God doesn’t get so aggravated in keeping our universe going.


I guess I should move this in the realm of Valentine’s gifts.


7.  Stuffed animals.

I didn’t care for these at age nine; I don’t at 49. And if you sent me a teddy bear in a teddy, let me just say hell hath no furry.

6. Chocolates.

I’m giving up sweets for Lent and Ash Wednesday is the 13th.


5. Perfume.

I’m not against smelling nice, I just don’t wear it. My daughter comes in my room and puts on my perfume. When I remind her that I gave her an Aeropostale fragrance for Christmas, she replies that she doesn’t want to use hers up.


4.  Anything work-related.

My husband does this — new lamp, new pens. Just stresses me out. I feel like I should be working.


3.   Roses.

This is a half truth. I love getting flowers. I don’t care for roses any more than other flowers so don’t spend the extra money. Honestly, I only like roses growing in a garden where I can bend down and inhale.


2. A Massage.

Joke. I would love a massage a week for an entire year. I just figured out the most absolute, most perfect gift for me ever.


1.  Really, now all I can think about is gifts I would love.

1,200 thread count sheets

Nice, silky sleepy things.


Got it. Jewelry. Please don’t worry about spending any money on me with jewelry. I only really like the cheap costumey stuff.

Honestly Just worship me and I’m a happy girl.

That’s not too much to ask right?

What about you? What is on your “don’t even think about it” list for Valentine’s Day.



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