
Any way you want it, that’s the way to write it. #SOCSunday

Five minutes, free association on Sunday.

Linking up with Jana @jana’sthinkingplace. Her prompt this Sunday: Journey.


Don’t Stop Believin’

Lovin’, Touchin’ Squeezin’ each otherĀ  . . . or another?

It’s funny. So much of today’s music (popular music) sounds the same to me.

Music executives know what is hot. What look, what sound and they find acts that fit the mold.

Back when I was younger groups had their own sound.

You could tell an Aerosmith song, from a REO song, from a Journey song.



Why do we as writers or as bloggers try to sound like The Bloggess or Scary Mommy or Sue Monk Kidd or Joshilyn Jackson?

All are wonderful. All have they own unique voice.

We need to search for ours and be true to the music we hear inside our heads.



Do you think yourself true to your voice?




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