
My bestest summer memory was . . .

After dropping the kids off my first order of business is to take the dog on a long enough walk to make sure he does his business.

Today as we were traveling along the gravel road a few blocks behind our house, I pondered this week’s Finish the Sentence Friday prompt:

My best summertime memory this year was  . . .

Gosh. The best memory. That implies one. Narrowing down all the great things to one single thing.

And one thing did keep popping up.

. . . the week I took my youngest on the road to Central Florida while his sister was at camp. And our oldest worked. Like there was a chance he would come anyway?






We went to the beach.




A few intensive rounds of golf.


Lots of selfies.




Eating french fries every day for lunch if I felt like it.


When I came to that conclusion this morning I felt guilty. Why wasn’t it a memory associated with all my children? Or my husband?

Anyway I sliced the summer fun, that’s the memory that brought a smile to my mind.

It was carefree. I was allowed to be silly with a 10 year old in tow.  There were no responsibilities and we didn’t spend that much money because we were staying with my mother.

It was before our renovation had started. It was the end of June which mean there was still so much more of summer freedom ahead.

It was an escape.

That made it wonderful.

What about you? “My best summertime memory this year was . . .”

Finish the Sentence Friday


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